Sunday, May 4, 2014

الخنساء يا عَينِ جودي بدَمعٍ منكِ مَسكُوبِ Oh my magnanimous one for you tears pour out, Al-khansa

يا عَينِ جودي بدَمعٍ منكِ مَسكُوبِ      كلؤلؤٍ جالَ في الأسْماطِ مَثقوبِ
انّي تذكَّرتهُ وَالَّليلُ معتكرٌ                ففِي فؤاديَ صدعٌ غيرُ مشعوبِ
نِعْمَ الفتى كانَ للأضْيافِ إذْ نَزَلوا      وسائِلٍ حَلّ بَعدَ النّوْمِ مَحْرُوبِ
كمْ منْ منادٍ دعا وَ الَّليلُ مكتنعٌ          نفَّستَ عنهُ حبالَ الموتِ مكروبِ
وَ منْ اسيرٍ بلاَ شكرٍ جزاكَ بهِ          بِساعِدَيْهِ كُلُومٌ غَيرُ تَجليبِ
فَكَكْتَهُ، ومَقالٍ قُلْتَهُ حَسَنٍ                 بعدَ المَقالَة ِ لمْ يُؤبَنْ بتَكْذيبِ

Oh my magnanimous one for you tears pour out as precious as pearls strung upon a string.
I´m reminded of him and that fateful night in which my heart broke, never to be repaired.
How excellent the young hero was to unannounced visitors. He even set an enemy free after allowing him respite.
How often as night drew near did he dispel death´s fear from one who announced its anxiety,
or recompensed a prisoner with no expectation of exaltation, tending his wounds without display,
redeeming him and teaching a more noble way. After such a demonstration he did not deny your commemoration.

translated into English by Mark F Westergreen


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