Thursday, April 11, 2013

بشار بن برد يا صاح قم Bashar ibn Burd, Comrade, get up

يا صاح قمْ فاسقني بالكأس إعرابا ولا تُطعْ عاقباً فينا وعقَّابا
إنّ الهوى حسنٌ حتَّى تدنِّسهُ فاطْلُبْ هَوَاكَ سَتيراً وارْعَ أحْبابا
واحفظ لسانك في الواشين إنَّ لهمْ عيْناً ترُودُ وتنْفيراً وإِلْهابا
لا تغش سرَّ فتاة ٍ كُنْتَ تألفُها إنَّ الكريم لها راعٍ وإن تابا
واسعدْ بما قال في الحلم ابنُ "ذي يزنٍ" يلهو الكرامُ ولا ينسون أحسابا
جَدُّ امْرىء ٍ جَارَهُ من كلِّ فاضحة ٍ فانهض بجدٍّ تنلْ جاهاً وإكسابا
قدْ شفَّني حزنٌ ضاق الفواد ُبه وسرَّني زائرٌ في النَّوم منتابا
باتت عروساً وبتنا معرسينَ بها حتَّى رأينا بياضَ الصُّبح منجابا
وقائلٍ :نامَ عنْ "أسماءَ" شاكية ً لا نَوَّمتْ عيْنه إِنْ كان كذَّابَا
ما زلْتُ في الْغَمِّ من وِرْدٍ يُقلِّبُها كأنَّني فيه لا ألقى له بابَا
بلْ كيْف أُسقى علَى الرَّيْحان مُتَّكئاً وقدْ تعلَّقتُ من "أسماءَ" أسبابا
عاد الهوى بلقاء الغرِّ منْ "جشمٍ" يمشين تحت الغمام الغرِّ أترابا
علِّقتُ منهنَّ شمسَ الدَّجن أو قمراً غدا لنا لابساً درعاً وجلبابا
لا أشْتهي بهواهُ جِنَّة ً أُنُفاً ولوْ تَدَلَّتْ لنا تِيناً وأعْنَابَا
للَّه دَرُّ فتاة ٍ منْ بني «جُشم» ما أحْسنَ الْعيْنَ والْخدَّيْن والنَّابَا
تريكَ في القول جشَّاباً وإنْ ضحكتْ أرتك من ثغرها المثلوج جشّابا
بدا لنا منظرٌ منها اعتبرتُ به وشاهدُ المسك يلقى الأنف ما غابا
قدْ زُيِّنتْ بالْمُحيَّا صُورة ً عجباً وزانها كفلٌ رابٍ وما عابا
إذا رآها نساءُ الحيِّ قلن لها: سُبْحان منْ صاغها! يُغْرقْن إِطْنابا
كأنَّما خُلقتْ منْ جِلْد لُؤْلُوة ٍ نفساً من العطرِ إنْ حرَّكتها ثابا
يطيبُ مسوكها منْ طيب ريقتها وإنْ ألمَّ بجلدٍ جلدها طابا
تلْك التي أرْجَلَتْني بالْهوى سنة ً وكُنْتُ للْمُهْرة الْحسْناء رَكَّابا
لم أنسها طالعتْ منْ تحت كلَّتها فأعْلقتْ عامرِيًّا بعْد ما شَابَا
يا «أسْم» جُودي بِمْعرُوفٍ نعِيشُ بِهِ ولا تكُونِي لنا حرْباً وأوْصابا
واللهِ أنْساكِ يا «أسْماءُ» ما طَرفَتْ عيني وما قرقرَ القمريُّ إطرابا

Friend, get up and give me a drink in a glass like a real Arab, not keeping tabs amongst us and punishing.
The pleasure is fine until you debase it, demanding your secret desire and scarring loved ones.
Keep your tongue from scorning what they hold dear, seducing, estranging, and setting ablaze.
Don´t kiss and tell if you are intimate with her, (let it be) honorable, admirable and imploring.
Be happy with that crazy comment of “Yazan´s” son, The noble ones love to have fun but do not forget about their reputations.
Always bringing up the complaints of his kinsmen on account of every dishonor, in order to raise anew that you bestow respect and presents.
Certainly my lips are grieved and my heart saddened, my secret visitor in sleep exposed.
She was the bride and we were the grooms for her, until we saw the light of dawn penetrating.
Someone said, "forget, what´s his name,  the accused,  his can´t be lulled to sleep" - that´d be perjury.
I´m still upset from his arrival with roses, she fell head over heels for him, it caused me to not greet him at the door.
Nay how could I drink at his departure, being burned, yet being devoted to what´s his name, and for self-purposes. 
The pleasure returned in the risky rendezvous with Fatty, walking under perilous clouds, paramours.
I keep some of them tied up and waiting - domesticated suns or moons, we have tomorrow to wear armor and a pinafore.
Don´t be seduced by his pleasure garden - refuse, but figs and dates if it is us you want to pamper.
How excellent a girl of the Gush family, what´s better her eyes, cheeks or pearly whites?
She describes you in biting terms, ridiculing you in laughter with her ice cold lips -bitterly.
To us she certainly made a scene, I learned a lesson from him, witnessing the groveling conclusion and surrendering of pride - what a finale!
She dolled herself up into a striking image, compared to that her ass is used and only worthy of abuse.
When the women of the tribe on seeing her say „her shape is sublime“ they are engaging in exaggeration.
As if she were a string of pearls, or a drug that excited them and set them erotically dancing.
The musk of her sweet sweat is pleasing, yet it pains me to whip her hide for the pleasure.
This is the year in which I became a man acquainted in the ways of pleasure, and for that filly I was the best rider.
I will not forget her climbing up from down under and pouring herself out, her breasts suspended, after that I was a man.
May the reputation of my generosity be famous as long as we live, so don´t be enraged at us or pained.
and may God cause you, whatever your name is, not to forget, for one moment, the pleasure.

translated into English by Mark F Westergreen

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